Poetry: Move-in on Meyran

(Illustration by Sylvia Freeman | Staff Illustrator)

(Illustration by Sylvia Freeman | Staff Illustrator)

By Maggie Koontz, Senior Columnist

cars parallel parked

not quite bumper to bumper

on residential streets

minivans and moving vans

packed to capacity

trunks and doors

slam open and shut

people coming and going

in and out of apartments

carrying a couple chairs

up the stairs

mattresses held

above their heads

furniture clutters the sidewalk

a couch, some cushions

tattered, torn, forlorn

one person’s tossed rug

another person’s floor-covering

college kids scan the streets

with a critical eye

some of this can be used

one more time

it’s a new school year

in an old house

with new tenants

but an old couch

bye mom, bye dad

i’m moving out