Alyssa Carnevali | Staff Photographer
Student Government Board at its weekly meeting in Nordy’s Place Tuesday night.
Student Government Board unanimously voted to approve the charter for the new Students Against Sexual Misconduct ad hoc committee. The ad hoc committee is intended to serve as a “central hub for knowledge, resources, support and prevention of all forms of sexual misconduct,” according to SGB President Danielle Floyd.
“[The committee’s] goals are to unite advocacy efforts among students to avoid redundancy and improve organizing,” Floyd said. “It is the committee’s hope that streamlining the many ongoing efforts will foster long-lasting collaboration and foster positive change on campus.”
Student Government Board held its weekly public meeting in Nordy’s Place Tuesday night to discuss initiatives and allocations. Floyd noted that the new Student Leader Remunerations task force, a group exploring increasing student leader stipends, and the Refreshing the Sixth Floor of the William Pitt Union task force will meet before the end of the semester. The board also saw several proposed bills, voting on one bill at this meeting.
The board unanimously voted to pass bill EB-2022-1 Amendment to Title 5. The bill updated part of SGB’s election code, but did not explain specific amendments made. Board member Derek Dressler noted the bill was posted for public comment on SGB’s website on Sunday, instead of a week prior to the public meeting, a “long-standing precedent” according to Dressler.
“This is essential to allow for public viewing, review and research. From there, students can bring forth their questions, comments and concerns to the board prior to our vote. Such a process is at the root of good governance,” Dressler said. “However, let me make clear that every bill drafted from here on, no matter its originating body, should only receive a ‘yes’ vote from myself and my colleagues if such viewing period has been met.”
Judicial committee chair Leonie Fink restated that there is no set time period for posting in SGB’s governing code.
The board also heard about two other bills that proposed more amendments to Title 5, but did not elaborate on specific changes. Floyd said SGB will post the bills to its website prior to a vote at its meeting next week.
Board member Daniel Temmallo proposed bill BB-2022-2, Amendments to Clarify First-Year Council Eligibility. The bill clarifies that incoming transfer students entering their first year at Pitt are eligible to join SGB’s First-Year Council. Floyd said SGB will post the bill to its website prior to a vote at its meeting next week.
The board heard proposed judicial committee bill JB-2022-5, The Quick Fix Bill. SGB did not read the bill at the meeting. It will also be posted on SGB’s website prior to a vote at its meeting next week.
Chinese American Student Association requested $5,600 to host Jimmy Zhang, a Chinese American YouTuber and influencer, at a speaker event. The board approved the request in full, with board member Isabel Lam abstaining from the vote.
Chess club requested $2,648 for four members to attend a national competition. The board approved the request in full.