Annika Esseku | Senior Staff Illustrator
February. Some of us love it, some of us hate it. Personally, I think it’s one of the better winter months. Punxsutawney Phil predicts the weather and we celebrate love.
The latter part — celebrating love — is usually what deters the February haters. As a single female, most suspect I’d also dread the month, but I think what people forget is that Valentine’s Day is not the only holiday in February. Groundhog Day is just as important.
Sometimes I find myself wishing for a significant other during the month of love, but then I send a text in my friend group’s group chat saying, “Let’s throw a Groundhog Day party,” and it is received with excited approval. I’m reminded that there’s more to life than romance. Leave V-day to the love birds — this February is all about Punxsutawney Phil and friendship. Who needs to hold hands with a boy when you can invite all your friends over to celebrate an animal’s shadow, or lack thereof?
If you want to mope about not having a significant other or celebrating having one, you do you. I’ll be dressing in pastels, praying for no shadow and enjoying the company of my friends and Phil.
However, it could be argued that Groundhog Day comes and goes by Feb. 2, and then after that, Valentine’s Day is all that’s left. To that, I wave my white flag. I can admit that it’d be a little sad if I continued to dress in pastels even after Phil predicts winter weather for another six weeks.
On Feb. 3, I’ll trade my pale green for red and give in to the celebration of love. After all, I am loved, and I love others, and that deserves to be celebrated.
On Valentine’s Day, I’m often so focused on the happy couples that I forget there are more types of love than romance. There’s also familial, platonic and self-love — none of which deserve to go unappreciated. Plus, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about love, right? It’s also an excuse to eat a lot of chocolate — and for that, I’m grateful.
I may not have a boyfriend, but I have friends who are crazy enough to throw a party for a mundane holiday. I have a family who will send corny Bitmojis telling me they love me. I have two feet and a debit card, which I can use to walk to the store to buy myself chocolate.