SGB launches petition for University switch to Gmail
September 2, 2009
Student Government Board discussed its summer projects and prospective changes to Pitt’s… Student Government Board discussed its summer projects and prospective changes to Pitt’s e-mail system at the meeting last night.
Board members Andrew Freeman and Katlyn Jennings are still working on persuading the University to change its e-mail software to Gmail, even though the University had changed its e-mail interface this summer.
“I definitely think it’s no surprise that before school began that the University came out with the new interface and new [server] size,” Freeman said. “The difference is between seven gigabytes [that Gmail offers] and 250 megabytes [that Pitt currently offers]. That’s not even the size of a USB stick five years ago.”
He said Gmail is appealing because it’s free software that the University can implement despite budget constraints.
The board launched a paper petition to convince the University that students want to convert to Gmail at Sunday’s student activities fair. Jennings said there were at least 150 signatures.
Students interested in signing the petition can visit the SGB office in the William Pitt Union.