After 18 possible cases, CMU issues swine flu warning

By Liz Navratil

Officials at Carnegie Mellon University sent out an alert about the swine flu yesterday, after… Officials at Carnegie Mellon University sent out an alert about the swine flu yesterday, after 18 students showed flu-like symptoms over the course of one week.

Teresa Thomas, the school’s assistant vice president for media relations, said she wasn’t sure whether the students had symptoms of the swine flu or whether they simply had symptoms of the common flu and the university was merely being proactive in sending out the warning.

The university has asked ill student who live off campus to stay home and avoid contact with others. Staff members working in Carnegie Mellon’s Student Health Services, Housing, Dining and Students Affairs are caring for sick students living on campus, according to the warning.

Sick students will be isolated from their peers until they have been fever-free for 24 hours after taking fever-reducing medicine.

The university asked students who feel sick and develop a fever to isolate themselves, avoiding class, and call Student Health Services.

Check tomorrow for more information.