Q&A with Tairey Perez

May 27, 2014
Hip-hop artist Tairey Perez, a rising sophomore at Pitt-Greensburg, has worked hard over the past six years to get where he is now. His father — also a rapper — exposed Perez to rap and hip-hop music while he was growing up.
During his freshman year of college, Perez managed to continue releasing music at a steady pace. Until recently, after a decision to start over, Perez had an abundance of music on his SoundCloud account. The account now has only two songs: “Finals” and “Zodiac.” The quality is much improved, and Perez expects to release an EP by the end of June. He describes his genre as “late-night chill rap with catchy lyrics.”
The Pitt News talked to Perez via email about juggling schoolwork with music, Pittsburgh’s local rap history and an uncertain future.
The Pitt News: What’s the most difficult thing about balancing school and music?
Tairey Perez: There’s never enough time to do both school and music, so I have to choose. I hate not having enough time to make the music I want because I have to study.
TPN: Are you originally from the Pittsburgh area?
TP: I was born in Worcester, Mass. I moved to Pittsburgh when I was about nine. I love it here so much. I never want to live anywhere else.
TPN: How has the massive success of Mac Miller and Wiz Khalifa inspired you?
TP: It’s incredible to see what they did. They put Pittsburgh on the map, and they still show love to local artists. I don’t see myself as “next” yet. I think I’m the best local artist as far as making a whole song from scratch, but I don’t feel like I’m next to make it yet.
TPN: If you could collaborate with one artist who would it be?
TP: The Weeknd. I love The Weeknd so much. He’s like all I listen to. I already have the beat for when he recognizes how awesome I am.
TPN: What do you love most about Pittsburgh? Your three most favorite things?
TP: I love everything about [Pittsburgh], but my three most favorite spots are Grandma B’s, my most favorite place to eat, ever. Timebomb is the best streetwear store in the city and Mount Washington is a view everyone has to see once.
TPN: Any advice for freshmen?
TP: Choose carefully who you hang out with. Find some people you truly enjoy being around, and don’t let school stress you out too much.
TPN: What’s next for Tairey?
TP: I wish I knew. I’m just going with the flow right now, trying to make the best moves I can for me and my team. Expect a new Tairey project soon.