
Campus Life | Resetting life after spring break

As spring break just came to an end, it is very important to get back on track, especially because there are only five weeks of the semester left. If you are a senior, these last few weeks are very important because graduation is coming up and we have to end on a good note! 

Starting off with the right mental headspace, it is very important to get some good rest after spring break, especially if you went on a trip with your friends. I was just on a trip and the first thing I did was eat, shower and sleep when I got back to Pittsburgh. Going on a trip, especially to a warmer location, can drain a lot out of you.

I know that, for me, I barely got any sleep because I wanted to hang out with my friends and have a good time since this was our last spring break. Giving your body and mind the time to recover is crucial for the demanding weeks ahead. It is also important to hydrate a lot and eat full meals to replenish your energy levels. In line with giving your body the essentials, it is crucial not to overlook the quality of your rest and nutritional intake in the days following your return. These might be very basic tips, but they are the most important to get a good start to your week. 

After catching up on rest, I made a point to get back to my regular schedule as soon as I could, including opening Canvas for the first time in a week and making sure I was up to date on all of my assignments. If any assignments were due somewhat soon, I tried my best to get them done because I do not want everything to pile up at the end of the week. This approach not only reduced my stress but also gave me a clear overview of what needed my attention in the coming weeks.

It is also a great idea to reach out to a few classmates or even professors to make sure you did not miss anything else in case you started your spring break a little early. By organizing my priorities and setting small daily goals for assignments, I was able to create a balanced schedule that accommodated both my academic responsibilities and time for self-care. This will help me avoid the overwhelming rush that comes with last-minute cramming and project completion later on in the semester. 

Getting back to school and the routine of things in general post vacation is always a big challenge. Make sure to incorporate some type of physical activity again. As we have all seen, Pittsburgh weather right now is not the best for outdoor walks, but even if you can find a gym near you, it will make you feel much more productive. Regular physical activity can help clear your mind, reduce stress and improve concentration, which are all very important to tackle the final weeks of the semester. Whether it is a short walk, a quick yoga class or a more intense workout, finding time to move can significantly enhance your ability to focus and efficiently manage your academic workload.

Exercise also releases endorphins, which boost your mood and can help combat the post-break blues, keeping you motivated and energized as you work towards your goals. 

The most important thing is making sure that you are tackling the rest of the semester with a rejuvenated spirit and a sharp mind while also taking care of your mental health. These last few weeks of the semester are very crucial, and then you are done for the year! So make sure you make the best of it, and do not let your spring break blues get in the way, because there is so much more to look forward to! 

Shriya writes primarily about her everyday experiences on Pitt’s campus. Talk to them at

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