‘ ‘ ‘ Whispering behind closed doors, students gathered Monday night in hopes of answering… ‘ ‘ ‘ Whispering behind closed doors, students gathered Monday night in hopes of answering life’s ultimate question: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ What is the opposite sex thinking? ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Tower C resident assistants hosted ‘Valentine Dilemmas,’ an event that allowed students to ask questions about relationships, dating and sex while in the privacy of male- or female-only lounges. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Here’s a good place to let off steam if you had a rough Valentines’ Day or maybe want to see what went wrong,’ said Rachele McFarland, an R.A. in Tower C. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ After composing questions, runners delivered them to the opposite sex’s lounge to be answered. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The women’s first round of questions covered common territory like, ‘Where is a guy’s ideal date?’ and ‘Is it cool if a girl asks a guy out?’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Confidence is sexy,’ said freshman Craig Mauro. The seven other men in the room, ranging from freshmen to seniors, unanimously agreed. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ As for the actual date, the guys liked to keep it simple: Wendy’s, laser tag and video games followed by a trip to the bedroom, said senior R.A. Lee Schriver. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ While they expected that answer, the group of about seven women were surprised by the content of their counterpart’s initial questions. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘We were all shocked by how tame it was at first,’ said sophomore Abby Wellen. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The guys let loose during the second round, however, seeking specific answers to ‘How often do you watch porn films?’ and ‘Would you be willing to do a threesome?’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The men groaned in response to the women’s chorus of ‘never’ and ‘no,’ but the gentlemen were pleased to learn that the ladies were willing to get physical outside of the bedroom. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ However, it was more difficult for the men to concisely answer the women’s most important question: ‘How important are looks?’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ R.A. Sultan Ghuman spoke on behalf of his group and said, ‘Looks lead to personality,’ but quickly recovered by adding, ‘No matter how good-looking the girl, if the personality isn’t there, the relationship won’t last.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ In the end, both groups were disappointed by the opposite gender’s answers. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘It’s 2009. This paying for dates and buying flowers is very 1952,’ said Schriver. ‘I love how girls want to be doted on, but they don’t dote on us anymore.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Their answers were kind of wishful thinking,’ added Mauro. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ But, the women were not surprised. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Since they are in a group, they wouldn’t have answered as honestly if it was anonymous,’ said freshman Leanne Ikeda. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Pitt playing No. 1-ranked UConn probably did not help the guys’ concentration either, the girls said. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Students earned OCC credit for the event, which targeted improving open communication.
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