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SGB selects new chairs, reforms committees

Student Government Board appointed chairs to eight committees on Thursday.

SGB announced… Student Government Board appointed chairs to eight committees on Thursday.

SGB announced its selections for the heads of the Freshmen Affairs, Judicial, Environmental, Public Relations, Traditions, Diversity, Off-Campus Housing, and Academic Affairs committees, before allowing several of the new chairs to speak during the meeting’s open-floor period.

“Our plans this semester are to maintain [our] recycling program and carry into the next level the sustainable campus idea,” said Andrew Satchwell, one of two new chairs of the Environmental Committee. “We’re going to be looking into renewable energy standards for [the] campus.”

Satchwell spoke on behalf of the committee’s other chair, Clare Sierawski, outlining such plans as the possible introduction of hybrid cars in Pitt’s motor system.

Samuel Friedman, of the Off-Campus Housing Committee, said that he is working with the Oakland Planning and Development Cooperation to create and distribute to students 2,000 pamphlets, which will list important facts and phone numbers for students looking to live outside the University’s housing system.

None of the other newly appointed chairs announced major plans for their respective committees. They will, however, each be asked to deliver a report at next week’s meeting.

Board member Lauren Evette Williams gave recommendations to some of the committee chairs in attendance.

“I would like [the Judicial Committee] to take a look at the elections code,” she said. “There’re a lot of things that do need to be clarified.”

Williams then voiced support for the Environmental Committee’s “Pitt Project,” an annual volunteer program run by SGB that is designed to clean the streets of Oakland.

She also recommended that the Off-Campus Housing Committee develop a “one-stop guide” to student housing, which would contain all the pertinent information for prospective lease signers and even cover such topics as vicinity to supermarkets and the allowance of pets.

In addition to the many committee chair appointments, SGB selected board member Liz Blasi to be its business manager and Amit Kotz as pro tempore.

One seat left vacant by the board was the Government Relations Committee chair.

Board member Todd Brandon Morris said the selection for a chair nominee will be done by himself, President Brian Kelly, board member Charis Jones and the outgoing chair.

At the time of the meeting, the decision was narrowed down to two candidates.

Morris said they are looking for someone with experience in lobbying, an understanding of the structure of SGB and knowledge in regards to programs that will motivate students to vote.

The Government Relations Committee chair will also teach students about absentee ballots and encourage them to vote after the semester ends, Morris said.

Pitt News Staff

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