Pitt not offered Big Ten spot, report says

By Alex Oltmanns

After months of rumors indicating that Pitt could join the Big Ten, a Kansas City radio… After months of rumors indicating that Pitt could join the Big Ten, a Kansas City radio station is reporting that the conference made offers to four schools, none of which are Pitt.

The station, Sports Radio 810 WHB, reported that current Big 12 schools Nebraska and Missouri were offered spots in the Big Ten, along with Rutgers out of the Big East and Notre Dame, an independent football program.

Notre Dame said all along that it has no interest in joining the league.

Currently an 11-team league, the Big Ten was rumored to possibly expand to either 14 or 16 teams.

If Notre Dame does decline the invitation, Rutgers would be the 14th team, and the Big Ten would then decide whether to stay at 14 teams or add two more, WHB reported.

But if Notre Dame accepts, sources say the league would pursue one additional school, the station reported.

No official announcement can be made until league officials get the chance to meet in early June.

Big Ten Associate Commissioner Scott Chipman said the league has no comment on the matter, beyond those it made in December when it said it would expand within 12 to 18 months.

Pitt officials were not available for comment.