Editorial: Casual Fridays 1/8

By Staff Editorial

iBurgh instated

This Wednesday, iBurgh — an iPhone app for reporting “potholes, graffiti… iBurgh instated

This Wednesday, iBurgh — an iPhone app for reporting “potholes, graffiti and other nuisances to city government” — became fully interactive, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The software allows users to send text messages and photos of city problems to the local government. No statistics have been released regarding how many received complaints include portraits of Mayor Luke Ravenstahl.

Cool Runnings

A man was arrested for running nude near the White House on Wednesday, according to The Washington Post. The paper reports that the Secret Service classified his bag of stripped-off clothes as a “suspicious package.” No word on whether the jogger was classified similarly.

Back seat snooze

For the second time in four months, a slumbering student was left on a Pittsburgh Public Schools’ bus. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the bus driver took the sleepy first-grader to the school when he saw the boy trying to open the bus doors. We hope the boy has recovered from his ordeal and applaud his enterprise for falling asleep before class began.

Grammar gaffe

The National Association of Good Grammar has announced that our current year, 2010, should be pronounced “twenty ten,” and not “two thousand and ten,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Apparently, we have been pronouncing the year wrong for a decade. Well, hindsight is always two-thousand and twenty.

They slipped

Petty criminals have broken into hundreds of condom vending machines in Mumbai, reports the BBC. Installed by HIV-prevention activists, these vending machines have been damaged by thieves looking for “fun, for small change or for free condoms.” Activists would have installed preventive measures on the dispensers, but the thieves insisted that they loved the machines, that they would stay with them no matter what happened and that no protection was necessary.