Man on the street with Andrew Keelan


Did you vote in the SGB elections? Why or why not?

Jon Cassat, senior, finance… Did you vote in the SGB elections? Why or why not?

Jon Cassat, senior, finance “What’s SGB? I had no idea it even existed.”

Kristen Susany, senior, English literature “It’s very important to vote. Things can happen very quickly in SGB and it affects student daily life.”

Jana Stec, junior, communications and political science “SGB seems to be unimportant, but it really is because of the activities fund that they control.”

Shaun Tomaszewski, junior, microbiology and neuroscience “I voted because it’s essential to vote for a presidential candidate who has progressive and student-oriented views.”

Heidi Carpenter, senior, psychology and Africana studies “No, I think the people who are running are doing it for the wrong reasons.”