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Juniata College has a system in place called “Notice of Concern” that enables classmates and… Juniata College has a system in place called “Notice of Concern” that enables classmates and faculty to report “troubled” behavior among students, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In light of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, do you believe a system like that should be implemented at Pitt?

Jessica Gazada, junior, biology “It would be helpful, but at the same time the English teacher at Virginia Tech reported actions of Cho Seung-Hui to the department head and nothing was done. So if the system is put in place, investigations must be formally done by the police.”

Christopher Hughes, freshman, bioengineering “I do believe so. If you think that a fellow student is exhibiting solitary behavior similar to that of Cho Sueng-Hui, one should be able to contact an outside source for help so that a catastrophe may be prevented.”

Emily DeLeo, freshman, undecided “There can’t be anything negative about the idea; only beneficial. As long as people don’t abuse the system it would help student and campus safety.”

Greg Knadel, sophomore, undecided “This could certainly help uproot the problem before it becomes something big.”

Loni Carr, junior, neuroscience “That sounds like a good idea. Large campuses like ours are without an existing network to report any problems of troubled behavior. Students should know that they have the ability to report a problem they find disturbing. I feel such a system would be preventative to devastating actions. It would really make someone think twice before they’d do something terrible.”

Karl Zellars, junior, philosophy “I feel a student would be more likely to come forward and speak about a problem if such a system were in place.”