EDITORIAL – SGB squanders limited funds

By Pitt News Staff

Student Government Board makes tough calls when it comes to the disbursement of the student… Student Government Board makes tough calls when it comes to the disbursement of the student activity fee, but its latest decision doesn’t sit well with us — not at all.

In a semester when being fiscally responsible has led to student groups receiving far less money than they have in past years, SGB voted to allocate $3,273 to fund a retreat for student leaders in Fayette County, Pa., against the suggestion of the allocations committee. SGB is splitting the cost of the event with Student Life.

Since the meeting, a $1,200 reduction in price was negotiated with the facility that will host the retreat — a sum that will be split evenly between Student Life and SGB. And while that’s a start, it still leaves $2,673 less for campus groups.

The total cost of the retreat covers transportation to and from the location, one night’s lodging, meals and facility fees. By overturning allocations’ recommendation and granting the request in full, SGB is not only being irresponsible, but it is also breaking a precedent set this year. As part of its effort to allocate less money, SGB has denied food expenses to several organizations this year — but not for the retreat.

And while the argument can be made that this money is going to many student group leaders, it’s not going to all of them — just the larger groups. Unfortunately, all campus organizations seeking money, even those whose leaders were not invited to the retreat, will suffer monetarily because of SGB’s decision.

It seems far more responsible for the retreat to be held on campus, where the event could utilize the mini-grants from other campus resources that SGB has so often suggested to organizations whose funding was denied.

So why should we, the student body, care about what’s happening? Well, it’s our money that’s sending student leaders to this retreat. And we can’t help but wonder in these tight times if the money is being well spent.

The idea of bringing student leaders together and making our campus a better, more understanding and cohesive place is wonderful. Cultivating good working relationships for our students is time and money well spent when it’s not at the expense of student groups at large.

Sometimes it’s hard to see SGB’s commitment to the student body when it makes decisions that are so obviously not in our best interest. The retreat could yield some good results for students, but there is no reason to spend money — money that we were told we don’t have — to send our leaders off campus. Have the retreat on campus, utilize our resources and pour the money back into student groups.

SGB: lead by example and renew the student body’s faith in your handling of our activities fees.