How to keep your new home safe
January 30, 2006
Here are some general safety tips:
Keep apartment doors locked at all times. Do… Here are some general safety tips:
Keep apartment doors locked at all times. Do not leave it unlocked even for a few minutes. Keep all security doors shut. Do not prop open security or fire doors. Enter security doors quickly and close them promptly behind you. Holding the security door open for unidentified people behind you destroys the purpose of the security door. Also, do not buzz anyone in through the security door unless you know his or her identity. Don’t lend your keys to anyone. Don’t leave keys lying around in your apartment. At night, have your keys ready before you get to your apartment or car door. If your apartment key is lost or stolen, report it to the police. If the key was lost with your identification, you may want to have the lock changed. Know how to protect property. Personal property is your responsibility. Require authorization and identification from service personnel before letting them into your apartment or allowing them to remove any item for servicing. Report any suspicious activities to the police, such as unfamiliar persons hanging around your apartment or other buildings. Don’t leave windows open when you are not there, especially in a first floor apartment. Hang curtains or blinds on every window so people don’t see what you have. Take steps to protect yourself: Using common sense is often your best protection when walking or jogging. Go with someone. There’s safety in numbers. Stay away from isolated areas.