EDITORIAL – Spring break: Make it happen for you


Though the weather outside is frightful, spring break is so delightful!

Spring break is many… Though the weather outside is frightful, spring break is so delightful!

Spring break is many things to many people, but what keeps everyone anxiously anticipating the seven or so days of heaven is the weeklong pause of classes.

Contrary to what MTV would have us believe, not everyone can afford to “pimp” his or her respective spring break trips. While some students will resort to, well, the resorts, others will head back to whatever place they consider home. And let us not forget those among us who will remain here in the ‘Burgh. (Take a moment to think of those braving the bitter cold of Pittsburgh next week.)

No matter what your situation, there are ways to make the most of spring break.

For those who are going away: The rule is generally to go warm or go home, with the exception of the Panther fans traveling to New York City for the Big East basketball tournament. Before leaving, do not forget to check all the expiration dates of food products in your refrigerator. No one wants to come home to an apartment that smells like a seven-day-old pot of curds and whey. Also, turn off your alarm clock. Your neighbors do not want to hear that obnoxious buzzing at 7 a.m. Nor do they want to hear your favorite radio station, which will be exactly the station they hate most.

While away, do not fear the blue skies and pleasantly temperate climates of Florida, Mexico or Jamaica. They’re not the gray, cloudy skies we are accustomed to in Pittsburgh, but most other places are known for nice weather. Enjoy it while you can. In fact, bring some of that sunshine back.

We encourage every spring breaker to bring us back a T-shirt — particularly the “Somebody went all the way to Cancun, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt” sort. You’ll be spending money anyway. Remember: If you were a broke college student before you left, you will return with even less than what you had before your departure. So go ahead and splurge on the shirt.

To those leaving Pittsburgh, but only to go to Mechanicsburgh, Pa.: No big deal. Away is away, right? Pack up all that dirty laundry and clean your clothes for free at home. Check up on all the friends you haven’t spoken to since winter break and discuss how time has passed.

Not even going to make it back to the folks’ place? Staying in Pittsburgh during spring break? Put aside the weather for a moment. Some people actually enjoy the biting winds, snow and blistering cold. The worst thing to do is to consider yourself “stuck” in the ‘Burgh, watching co-eds from across the country on MTV.

There is so much else to do. Go to a museum — it’s free. Take in a show Downtown. Enjoy going to restaurants in Oakland, even after 11 p.m., and not having to wait in line for a seat or service. Catch up on some well deserved sleep. Work some overtime, since everyone else will be away, freeing up several hours for you to benefit from. Take out any reserve book at the library — no one else will be here to take them — and study. School isn’t over. There are six weeks of classes left after spring break. Take the time in Pittsburgh to get ahead of the game. If you still need to travel, take a trip anywhere out of Oakland. It’s worth it. If that’s not enough fun for you, check out The Pitt News online. It might surprise you.

Have a safe and happy spring break!