Letters to the Editor

By Pitt News Staff

Column on feminism off the mark

I don’t believe anyone well versed in feminist… Column on feminism off the mark

I don’t believe anyone well versed in feminist history is giving Rachel Chunko applause for her misguided column (“Free yourself from feminist propaganda,” Feb. 24). Ms. Chunko, get off the soapbox and into the library where you can read about what is currently happening with feminism and the women’s movement. Rather than perpetuating anti-feminist propaganda, you would learn there were never “quiet battles fought” by Wollstonecraft or Astell.

I am a feminist. Contrary to the article’s unsubstantiated assertions, I am a strong and complete woman. I organized voter registration for more than 1,000 people with the Get Out Her Vote program. I interned 40 hours a week for the Feminist Majority Foundation. I marched for women’s lives with more than 1 million people last April, which was the largest protest in U.S. history. I rally for change in numerous ways and I am strong and successful.

Stereotyping and generalizing all feminists demonstrates the columnist’s lack of awareness of her subject. I am quite offended by the columnist, and that the editorial staff of The Pitt News would print such offensive, sexist generalities.

Race or ethnicity would never be as blatantly attacked as gender was in this article. Would it have been printed if, instead of the Campus Women’s Organization, it called members of the Black Action Society “weak” or Hillel members “full of crap”? Perhaps The Pitt News should hold an editorial to a higher standard, such as: Is its basis true? Calling women “catty” and “pitiful” is not the basis of a sound argument.

To the author, were you attempting to be funny? You didn’t succeed, and you are right because I don’t think it’s a funny situation women have. We live in a time where a woman is battered every nine seconds, where Roe v. Wade is at risk of being overturned, where a woman cannot get emergency contraceptive over the counter, where one in four college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape, and where a woman in the United States currently makes 77 cents to every man’s dollar. How could violence, rape and sexism be funny? How could it even be suggested that that the women’s movement is “no longer necessary”?

Every day I fight for the rights of myself and other women. I stand in solidarity with feminists around the world. We are not all “hypocrites” and I am damn pleasant to be around.

This is what a feminist looks like.

Randee Dunford-Maykall

Public Relations, Officer for the Campus Women’s Organization

Undergrad Rep of the Women’s Studies Steering Committee



Unforgettable victory was against Georgia

Your editorial regarding the terrible planning of senior night expressed my feelings exactly and was just what was noted throughout the pep band that evening. It was so sad to see our “loyal fans” leave before the ceremony. Your editorial was a great message sent out about our great seniors at Pitt Basketball.

However, it was very disappointing and anticlimactic to see that you, “won’t forget those 26 points against Syracuse last year,” because that game that won’t be forgotten was actually against Georgia. To the Pitt Basketball team, good luck in the tournaments, and we’re behind you all the way.

Hail to Pitt!

Brian Dahm

Accounting ‘ Finance
