Panther Ponderings

What do you think about the city’s new $52 occupation tax?

“I don’t think they should take… What do you think about the city’s new $52 occupation tax?

“I don’t think they should take it out all at once. It seems marginally illegal. I understand the city needs money, but I fully intend to get my refund.”

Tim Williams, junior, English writing, poetry

“I paid it, like, three times because I have three jobs. But, $50 — I don’t think they should take it out all at once, in one chunk. I don’t disagree with the tax, but this is ridiculous. People need that money for the month.”

Mark Rawlings, sophomore, information science

“It sucks. I don’t think student employees should be subject to [the tax], because we don’t make that much to begin with and we need that money.”

Colin Sutton, senior, English writing, fiction

“It’s a good idea to get the city out of bankruptcy, but I only make $6 an hour, and my last paycheck was for $11. I know transit is in trouble, but they should try something other than taxing broke 20-year-old college students.”

Natalie Hauser, sophomore, administration of justice

“I really don’t think it’s fair. I only get paid once a month. I wouldn’t mind as much if it was a little at a time, or if I knew where it was going. If it went to education, maybe, but if it’s going to build a new Mellon Arena, I don’t want it.”

Ashlee Lynn, senior, psychology

“It’s ridiculous. Some people got $2 checks, and I didn’t even get notified. Every pothole in the city better be fixed.”

Frances Taggert, junior, business