EDITORIAL – Supporting Meaner, reporting the facts


In Monday’s Pitt News, it was reported that Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of… In Monday’s Pitt News, it was reported that Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Student Life Birney Harrigan stands by Chris Meaner in spite of the recent admission of his arrest for driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Harrigan said, “I am confident that Chris will be able to handle any concerns that arise appropriately.” She went on to say that she was confident that he will still be able to perform his duties as Greek adviser.

Chris Meaner may be a great guy. And Pitt certainly needed a Greek adviser. We were lucky to find a candidate who cares for the students and is knowledgeable of Greek life at Pitt.

That story was printet, not to drag his name through the mud, but because he’s a public figure and his arrest is public knowledge. If Chancellor Nordenberg were arrested for the same thing, we’d print that story. If Pitt Police Chief Tim Delaney were convicted of a crime, we’d print that story, too. We’re a newspaper; we print the news — news relevant to our readership.

As Greek adviser, a large part of Meaner’s job will deal with alcohol. Pitt has made alcohol abuse, as it relates to students, a serious issue. Fraternities have been kicked off campus for alcohol abuse. If there is reason to believe Meaner will learn from his mistakes, why can’t that that same faith be put into the students? If Meaner can move on, so can the students.

Meaner did not deny his mistake, and it’s a problem that he appears to be willing to work through. He noted in a letter to The Pitt News that the situation is the most embarrassing one he’s ever been in. He also pointed out that his reason for writing the letter was so that everyone could learn from the situation. That’s rather admirable, and it’s also a sign that he is going to handle the obstacles that arise on the job in a similarly forthright manner. He and Harrigan also made themselves easily accessible for the writing of Monday’s article. We hope to continue seeing that openness and communication throughout his time as Greek adviser and from Harrigan’s successor.

Meaner said, “We are all here to do a job, and that job is to make this university as great as it possibly can be.”

Meaner, we agree. We expect you to do the best job you can do as we strive each day to do the same.