No electricity in seven buildings on campus


Students studying in Hillman Library were left in the dark when the power went out Sunday… Students studying in Hillman Library were left in the dark when the power went out Sunday afternoon.

Hillman Library, the Frick Fine Arts Building, the Cathedral of Learning, Bellefield Hall, Craig Hall, David Lawrence Hall and the William Pitt Union all lost power shortly before 3 p.m., according to Pitt police last night. They could not identify a cause for the outage, which seemed to only affect Pitt’s central campus.

All the buildings except for the Union regained power by about 7 p.m., a Pitt representative said. The Union remained without power into last night and police could not say when the electricity would be restored.

Hungry and confused students gathered around the locked Union doors late in the afternoon, when the Union’s Schenley Cafe usually opens for dinner. Students were not admitted into the Union, and it was vacant by early evening.

Police closed Hillman for the day after it lost power but said everything would be open for normal operation Monday morning, with the possible exception of the Union.

No students reported power outages in residence halls, according to police.