Photos: Climate Strike in Pittsburgh

Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
Leandra Mira, organizer of the youth climate strike in Pittsburgh, spoke about the need for meaningful action on climate change.
Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
A student sits with a handmade sign.
Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
Students gather on the steps of the City County Building.
Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
Children of all ages gathered on Friday afternoon.
Romita Das | Staff Photographer
Strikers watch the speeches.
Romita Das | Staff Photographer
A few canines joined the march.
Romita Das | Staff Photographer
Students pose with handmade signs.
Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
Mayor Bill Peduto applauds a speech.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
The march began after the speeches concluded around 1p.m.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
Fossil Free Pitt member and Pitt SGB executive vice president Anaïs Peterson marches at the front of the crowd.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
A demonstrator discusses the march route with a Pittsburgh Police officer.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
Marchers called for change on a variety of topics.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
The event that began as a youth climate strike attracted participants of all ages.
Bader Abdulmajeed | Senior Staff Photographer
Marchers gathered in front of the City County building and eventually spilled onto the street.
Sarah Cutshall | Visual Editor
After the speeches, students took to the streets with various chants.