Editorial: Casual Fridays 3/18

By Staff Editorial

That’s cheesy

The Associated Press reports that a Polish restaurant has… That’s cheesy

The Associated Press reports that a Polish restaurant has commemorated the supposed peccadilloes of the embattled prime minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, in a new menu item. Inspired by the ongoing media storm surrounding Berlusconi’s alleged associations with younger women and prostitutes, the Warsaw pizzeria A Modo Mio created a “bunga bunga” pizza. According to the article, the flavor is enhanced by figs and black pepper, “words with sexual connotations in Italian and Polish slang.” In the spirit of dedicating pizzas to politicians, The Pitt News would like to announce the unveiling of the “Corbett Pizza.” Special offer for Pennsylvania college students: Order a large pizza, receive half the pie for twice the price!

Penetrating new markets

In marketing, if you can somehow link a product to sex, you’re bound to do well, right? That seems to be the running idea at Graphic Armor Inc., which according to the Associated Press is putting the “sex sells” maxim to the most literal of tests. The company is rolling out a new brand of condoms, “Picture Condoms,” that feature full-color images on the actual latex. Not only do they meet FDA standards, but the first round of the condoms are emblazoned with Kiss member Gene Simmons’ tongue. Since the White House is trying to rekindle its relations with young voters in the run-up to the 2012 election, perhaps “Picture Condoms” will give the Obama campaign a creative way to have its message reach young voters.

California gators, we’re unreliable

According to the KTLA News, California police found 2,300 marijuana plants growing in an East Hemet, Calif.,  home, last week — but that’s sort of boring. The fun part is that the dope was protected by an unusual body guard: a 4-foot-long alligator named Wally. But if the normal behavior of alligators —  lying utterly prostrate all the time, basking in warm waters and snapping occasionally — is any indication, we’re betting the alligator, described as a “watchgator” in the article, got into the dope stash.

Are you awake? Take our survey

The Examiner.com reports that a study at Colorado College has found that college students — get this — don’t get as much sleep as they should. Six in 10 respondents said they get an inconsistent amount of sleep per night, with 70 percent saying they receive less than seven hours. Instead of spending money on studies that conclude what we already know too well, perhaps the research funds could have been better used paying students to sleep when they would normally be looking unsuccessfully for part-time jobs.