Former Pitt football player arrested on Atwood

By Michael Macagnone

Police accused a former Pitt football player of resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and… Police accused a former Pitt football player of resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and underage drinking, among other charges, after he allegedly blocked an Oakland street and then struggled with police this past weekend.

Officers said they found Fernando Diaz, a 20-year-old who left the team in August for personal reasons, standing in the middle of Atwood Street at around 2 a.m. Saturday.

Police offered the following account of events: They said Diaz refused to move from in front of the car and got into an argument with officers. When police wrote a citation, Diaz refused to sign it and refused to go to court.

When officers tried to restrain him, Diaz then allegedly broke free and struggled with them. Diaz swung his arms at officers — one with a handcuff attached — so police stunned him with a Taser several times.

Police said they released Diaz after he was examined by a doctor to make certain he was not medically harmed from being stunned.

Court records show that Diaz, originally from Bronx, N.Y., was also charged with public drunkenness and obstruction of highways.

Diaz did not immediately respond to requests for comment and court records did not list an attorney for him.

At a news conference yesterday, Todd Graham, who became head football coach in January, said Diaz will not return to the team, though he had been trying to before the incident.

“Unfortunately, he made a mistake and there’s going to be accountability there, and that’s why he’s not in our program anymore,” Graham said. “The thing with me is that you hurt for the kid … that’s something that’s very difficult as a coach to make those kind of decisions.”

Diaz was charged by court summons, and his next hearing is scheduled for April 11.

Assistant Sports Editor Lauren Kirschman contributed to this report.