Editorial: Casual Fridays 11/5

By Staff Editorial

Fear is alive

If you thought the political divide in this country wasn’t… Fear is alive

If you thought the political divide in this country wasn’t dire, think again. After conducting a nationwide poll, AOL News reports that 60 percent of Americans are more afraid of members of the opposite political party than of snakes, clowns and the number 13. In light of the report, we might as well call it the “Haunted” House of Representatives.

Roadside ridiculousness

Driving drunk below the age of 21 is dumb enough, but Nebraska’s Matthew Nieveen has taught us how to make the crime even more stupid. According to UPI, police say that 19-year-old Nieveen was pulled over the early morning after Halloween and found not only to possess opened vodka and beer bottles and have an over-the-limit blood alcohol content, but police also found him sporting a full-fledged Breathalyzer costume. Irony, thy name is “Nieveen.”


In the run-up to the 2008 election, YouTube-sensation Obama Girl might have exercised some form of obsession with the soon-to-be president, but evidently Obama obsessions can be taken in other directions. The Telegraph reports that a suit-clad blow-up doll bearing a carefully screen-printed photo of the president’s face is currently on exhibition at the eighth Sex Culture Festival in Guangzhou, China. According to the article, Obama is “widely popular in China.” With December on the horizon, we know what’s on the liberal media’s Christmas list.

Somewhere to hide

If researchers at Scotland’s University of St. Andrews are to be believed, invisibility cloaks are no longer relegated to the magical world of the non-muggles. According to Fox News, the researchers have developed a material that can potentially bend light waves in such a way that could make objects appear invisible. If the material hits the market fast enough, perhaps the liberal media will also get an invisibility cloak for Christmas, so they can cover up what they’re itching to do with their other holiday gift.