Editorial: Casual Fridays 11/19

By Staff Editorial

No sweet potatoes?

As Thanksgiving hangs on the horizon, NBC reports that a… No sweet potatoes?

As Thanksgiving hangs on the horizon, NBC reports that a San Francisco strip club is sponsoring a different kind of turkey drive for charity. If patrons bring in a turkey for those in need, they will receive free admission to the adult theater. Given the many millennia that men have exchanged meat for access to women, we’re glad San Franciscans are celebrating such a time-honored human tradition.


AOL News reports that a Wisconsin man blew out his television with a shotgun after Bristol Palin’s most recent appearance on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.” Allegedly the man was confused as to why the daughter of the former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was still on the show, since he didn’t approve of Bristol’s dancing skills. No word on how he responded to the new TLC reality show “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.”

Rear window

According to the New York Daily News, a Huntsville, Ala., sex-toy chain opened the nation’s first sex toy drive-thru window. The chain, called Pleasures, is trying to take the stigma off sex toys. We’re just wondering if the store’s next step is to roll out a “Happy Ending Meal.”

Hypodermic curriculum

We all know school is stressful, but is scholastic acupuncture the answer? Well, the Associated Press reports that two teachers from a Parma, Ohio, middle school are being suspended for teaching a lesson on acupuncture to students. Without parental permission, at least one of the teachers allegedly put needles in seven of the 13-year-old students’ hands, arms and necks. This kind of lesson gives a whole new meaning to teachers “getting under your skin.”