Editorial: Casual Fridays 9/17

By Staff Editorial

Is it a bird?

Two veterinary employees in Egg Harbor Township — a… Is it a bird?

Two veterinary employees in Egg Harbor Township — a community near Atlantic City, N.J. — say they saw a man fall from the sky, according to NBC Philadelphia. Watching from their office windows, they described a human free-falling head-first toward the ground, but after scouring the area for signs of him, rescue workers couldn’t locate anyone. Given how mysteriously the Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidate appeared and disappeared on Pitt’s campus, perhaps the mystery man is Tom Corbett.

Obstacle course

Reuters reported yesterday that two U.S. tourists traveling in Greece were caught at the Athens International Airport carrying authentic human skulls. Thinking the skulls were fake, the tourists claimed they picked up the skulls in a souvenir shop on a Grecian island during their trip. However, The Pitt News would like to congratulate the two heroes, who are clearly among the only three people to have survived the Minotaur’s deadly labryinth.

Sorry, Wonka

Thanks to the Grand Candy factory, Armenia now boasts the world’s largest chocolate bar. Produced to mark the company’s 10th anniversary, the bar measures over 18 feet in length. Aside from providing Armenia with 9,702 pounds of chocolatey, melt-in-the-mouth goodness, the candy company has endowed the small Eastern European country with its only object that can be seen from space.

What a voice

After wowing the world with her gorgeous voice, 10-year-old soprano and Pittsburgh native Jackie Evancho was awarded second place on “America’s Got Talent” Wednesday night. Piers Morgan, one of the three celebrity judges, called her performances on the TV show “perfection,” according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Wednesday night we also learned that the most talented person coming out of this city is in elementary school.

Taxicab con-woman

According to The Daily Telegraph, a Louisiana woman stripped in the back of a taxi in order to steal the vehicle. After the taxi driver refused to take her across state lines, the woman began taking off her clothes, forcing the driver to bring her to the police station. At the station, the woman — now naked — got behind the wheel and drove off. But this is nothing new. As we learned from Julia Stiles in “10 Things I Hate About You,” getting naked always gets things done.