Weep is pretty worn

By Kelsey Shea


Worn Thin



Sometimes shoegaze music rocks —… Weep

Worn Thin



Sometimes shoegaze music rocks — examples are bands like Yo La Tengo, Broken Social Scene, Dinosaur Jr. and the Cocteau Twins. But sometimes the genre can trip up artists and lead them into a trap of hiding talent and actual creativity under layers of fuzzy pedal effects and lo-fi nonsense. Such is the case with Weep’s new album, Worn Thin.

Surprisingly, Worn Thin’s title track is actually one of the albums weakest points. It drones on and on with repetitive lyrics and a steady stream of fuzzy rock that doesn’t really catch the ear.

The problems with “Worn Thin” are pretty consistent with the weaknesses throughout the album. The band needs some sort of slightly sharpened switch up in the songs — lyrically or musically — to make the listener pay attention. As it is now, the subtle vocals and lo-fi tracks just kind of drift off into the background.

Weep’s album certainly isn’t bad by any means, though. It sounds good. Tracks like “When I’m Wrong” and “Over Now” are solid songs.

The problem is that as a small-name band, Weep needs something to distinguish itself from the thousands of other bands out there trying to score a bigger audience, and Worn Thin just isn’t it.