Editorial: Casual Fridays 4-16

By Staff Editorial

Spendin’ G’s

According to a study, women on average spend two years and 10 months of… Spendin’ G’s

According to a study, women on average spend two years and 10 months of their lives shopping, The Sun reports. However, they spend their whole lives trying to find a man who would want to pay for it all.

Drunken decisions

Scientists believe that the effect of alcohol on estrogen could increase breast tissue growth, according to an article from ABC News. The Pitt News speculates that alcohol’s effect on decision-making could promote embryonic growth.

Meaty mix

More bars are experimenting with fat-washed cocktails — drinks that combine meat and liquor, Time reports. One drink reportedly combines vodka with beef bouillon, bacon, olives and prosciutto. Funny, most bad decisions happen after you drink.

Banning Ben

PLB Sports, a company that sells athlete-endorsed food products, axed its Big Ben Beef Jerky product in response to Roethlisberger’s recent alleged sexual transgression. It has been a rough week for Big Ben’s meat.

We’re out

In place of writing a real editorial, The Pitt News has been kindly delivering Casual Fridays each week since last October. This is our last Casual Fridays installment for the year. You’re welcome.