Tosh brings laughs to the Union

By Kelsey Shea

Sometimes when comedian Daniel Tosh starts talking, he just can’t stop — but no… Sometimes when comedian Daniel Tosh starts talking, he just can’t stop — but no one who attended last night’s performance in the William Pitt Union seemed to mind at all.

Tosh’s Pitt Program Council-sponsored performance went on for 90 hilarious minutes, and despite going over his scheduled time by half an hour, Tosh fully engaged the audience from start to finish.

After an amusing opening act from Matt Fulchiron, Tosh marched onstage wearing his typical uniform of jeans, a T-shirt, sneakers and of course one of his many, many cardigans that he is so well known for.

The popular comedian and host of Comedy Central’s hit show “Tosh.0” took on typical stand-up topics like his girlfriend, politics, gender and race but also fired a few verbal shots at the Founding Fathers, the Winter Olympics, Mormans and a few recent tragedies in the news.

Despite the topics, Tosh’s performance didn’t quite tumble over the line of sensitivity — though he certainly flirted with it. But just like on “Tosh.0,” his smooth delivery and likable personality were his saving graces that let him get a little edgier than most.

In actuality, the entire performance was like an extended special of the show, without the Web redemptions and mildly disturbing YouTube videos.

He interacted well with the audience and oddly enough, the stage itself. Over the course of the performance he attempted flight by jumping off the stage, picked up a pen and a hairpin he found and asked if the ramp were actually a bridge to Terabithia. His improvisation made it obvious that even off the stage, Tosh is a pretty funny guy, which overall made the show feel a lot more authentic.

His opening was a bit intentionally awkward before he got into the real jokes, but all in all the sold-out crowd wasn’t disappointed.