Editorial: Casual Fridays 1/29

By Staff Editorial

Matthews’ mistake

In reference to President Obama’s State of the Union address Wednesday… Matthews’ mistake

In reference to President Obama’s State of the Union address Wednesday night, Chris Matthews said: “I forgot Obama was black for an hour.” It’s a good thing he came to this realization, because we almost forgot that he wasn’t a journalist.

Down with the ship

The Australian navy’s $6 billion submarine fleet has been reduced to one remaining functioning submarine, according to The Australian. Clearly, all the rest of the submarines went dawn unda’.

Literary legend

Much-renowned American writer J.D. Salinger passed away Wednesday in his home in New Hampshire at 91. Holden Caulfield still doesn’t give a sh*t.

Dungeons, no dragons

A U.S. court recently rejected a lawsuit challenging a ban on playing the popular fantasy role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons in a Wisconsin correctional institute, according to The New York Times. Since when is it illegal to be a nerd?