Pitt seeks translators for Haitian orphans

By Vaughn Wallace

Pitt’s French and Italian Department has received more than 100 replies to an email asking for… Pitt’s French and Italian Department has received more than 100 replies to an email asking for volunteer interpreters to assist with orphans arriving in Pittsburgh from Haiti.

Department Administrator Monika Losagio sent an email to the Pitt community on Friday afternoon gathering names of volunteers interested in helping translate for the children, some of them under two years old, to get in touch. Volunteers fluent in French and/or Haitian Creole are needed.

She estimates that she’s received more than 100 replies over the three-day weekend, and says that replies are still coming in by the minute.

“Countless numbers of people are contacting us…students and faculty from Pitt, CMU, FORGE, and members of the local French community are stepping up,” Losagio said.

Once the list of volunteers is compiled, it will be sent to Pitt’s Government and Community Relations, who will provide it to Catholic Charities and other organizations working to help the orphans.

Volunteers wishing to offer their translation services may contact Losagio via email ([email protected]) with their name, phone number, and email address.