Editorial: Casual Fridays 1/22

By Staff Editorial

The bell will ring on

We were saddened to hear that the founder of Taco Bell passed away… The bell will ring on

We were saddened to hear that the founder of Taco Bell passed away Sunday at the age of 86. Although he’s no longer with us, his life’s work will forever remain in our hearts.

Guess who?

At Tuesday’s SGB meeting, the Board proposed moving its weekly meeting venue to Nordy’s Place. Upon hearing ofthe proposal, Chancellor Nordenberg — slightly confused — told his wife to have the table set for 40 next Tuesday.

I am Jack’s shrinking GPA

Several students and a staff member of the University of Manitoba in Canada were temporarily suspended from university sports facilities after they allegedly held a “Fight Club”-esque meeting there. Administrators were alerted when males with bloodied faces exited the raquetball courts, according to the Winnipeg Sun. Disciplinary procedures were likely impeded by arguments over whether the fighting group’s organizer was actually one person or two.

Obama: Jack’s on

President Obama decided to not give his State of the Union address at the same time as the “Lost” season premiere, according to The Washington Post. Obama hopes “Lost” fans will enjoy his speech, because just like the show’s producers, Obama doesn’t have a real plan in place, either.