Editorial: Casual Fridays

By Staff Editorial

Feel the burn

Cosmopolitan released a guide saying that the reverse cowgirl position offers the… Feel the burn

Cosmopolitan released a guide saying that the reverse cowgirl position offers the most protection from contracting the swine flu during sex. Too bad it didn’t say how to prevent spreading that rash.


The New Zealand Herald reported that during a test conducted by the European Commission, researchers found that 30 percent of Christmas lights — most which were made in China — were at risk of causing electric shock or fire because of poor manufacturing. “Worst birthday ever,” Jesus said of the problems.

Sound the alarm

A Sewickley Heights student is trying to raise money to provide a $7,000 talking, moving robotic smoke alarm for Quaker Valley elementary schools, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. In theory, this will increase fire safety. Let’s just hope it’s not made in China.

Foreign fashion

Reuters reported that a line of North Korean-made designer jeans just hit department store shelves in Sweden. They’re sure to make you look Kim Jong-ill.

Presidential Pills

CBS News reported that Texas police confiscated Ecstasy pills sculpted in the shape of President Barack’s Obama’s face from a man during a traffic stop. We’ll surely see Sen. John McCain’s face on Viagra pills soon enough.

Strike up the band

Last night’s football pep rally saw Pitt’s band parading through the Quad and blasting away outside the Cathedral, marking the loudest gathering on Forbes Avenue since the G-20.