Student Government Board meets for four minutes

By Jayson Myers

Pitt’s Student Government Board is constitutionally required to meet at least once during the… Pitt’s Student Government Board is constitutionally required to meet at least once during the summer.

It met yesterday, in a public meeting that lasted four minutes.

The board met at 11:01 p.m. and was adjourned at 11:05. Board President Kevin Morrison presided, but two of the eight board members were absent.

Despite the brevity of the meeting, Morrison was not displeased.

“It’s hard to do things over the summer,” Morrison said. “We’ll get our work done in the fall.”

Morrison was similarly not concerned with the fact that Nila Devanath and Andrew Freeman missed the meeting.

“Board members have jobs, some are not even back in the city, one is taking an intensive LSAT class,” Morrison said. “It’s not a big deal.”

Morrison said that the Board is required by its constitution to have a meeting during the summer. He said that he accomplished things for the board during the summer but that he would wait until the next meeting to make this information public when more people were in attendance.

Among the material covered, board member Katlyn Jennings prepared fliers for the Student Activities Fair to be held yesterday afternoon. The fliers containedProxy-Connection: keep-alive

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nformation on politics in Pittsburgh as well as housing in the Oakland area. There were no committee reports or new business to be discussed.

One board member, Lance Bonner, made a public announcement.

“I’m really excited about what the Student Government Board is going to accomplish this semester,” Bonner said. “I’m happy to be here.”

SGB’s next meeting will be held this Tuesday at 8:45 p.m.