Football: Charges against Gunn dropped, reinstated to team
June 17, 2009
Pitt senior linebacker Adam Gunn has been reinstated to the football team after charges against… Pitt senior linebacker Adam Gunn has been reinstated to the football team after charges against him were dropped earlier today. Gunn was suspended indefinitely on May 13 following an incident outside Club Zen in Station Square.
Gunn was arrested and arraigned by the Pittsburgh police on May 10, according to court documents. He was charged with two misdemeanor offenses — for resisting arrest and failure to disperse — and two summary offenses — for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness.
His preliminary hearing was held today and all charges were withdrawn.
Gunn was a fifth-year senior last season. He was injured in the first game against Bowling Green, but was awarded a sixth year of eligibility. His 59 tackles in 2007 were the third best on the team.
He graduated in 2008 with a degree in communication and rhetoric and is currently enrolled in Pitt’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.
Gunn was the fourth Panther in roughly a month to fall into trouble. Receiver T.J. Porter and defensive lineman Tommie Duhart were suspended from the team in April and announced that they would transfer from Pitt.
Sophomore receiver Jonathan Baldwin was arrested April 19, but no disciplinary action by the football team has taken place. Baldwin’s preliminary hearing is set for June 30. He is charged with one misdemeanor offense for indecent assault and two summary offenses for harassment and disorderly conduct.