End of year complicates SGB allocations

By Simone Cheatham

Student Government Board postponed allocations requests regarding funding for national… Student Government Board postponed allocations requests regarding funding for national conventions for two band organizations Tuesday night.

Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, an honorary band fraternity and sorority, both requested funding for registration, lodging and transportation to their national conventions later this year. The allocations committee initially recommended that the board postpone the requests.

The committee said that because the groups’ conventions occur during the next fiscal year –‘ Kappa Kappa Psi’s convention is in July and SGB’s fiscal year ends June 30 — the board couldn’t honor the requests just yet. The board can’t fund for future fiscal years, said SGB President Kevin Morrison.

Kappa Kappa Psi, however, must pay its registration fees for the convention by mid-June.

Pamela Callahan, Kappa Kappa Psi’s treasurer, said at Tuesday night’s meeting that the group needed help from the board to pay either its registration fees’ or for the group’s lodging and transportation fees, which are due after the start of SGB’s next fiscal year, July 1. She said the organization needed to book the lodging and transportation before the end of the fiscal year but would be happy to spend money directly from group members.

‘We’re willing to work with you in any way that we can,’ said Callahan. ‘We just need SGB and allocations’ help to get there.’

Morrison said the organization could resubmit two new requests, one for the registration and one for the rest of the funding. But Callahan said if the funding for the lodging and transportation was submitted too late in July, the group couldn’t receive group discounts.

Morrison said if the group submits two new requests or amends the current request for this fiscal year, the board could review it and vote on it later. The board then motioned to postpone the vote for a later time.

‘I just need to meet with the board to try to work this all out,’ said Morrison.

Tau Beta Sigma’ submitted a similar request for $2,833.75 and also had its request postponed. No one from the organization was present at Tuesday night’s meeting. Callahan said that was because the group was swearing in its new members at the time.

But board member Charlie Schull said someone from the group should have been there regardless of the meeting.

‘If you want the money, you should really be here,’ he said. ‘I just want to put that on the record.’