Pitt seniors leave Fitzgerald Field House with win over Denver

By Laura Veith

Pitt gymnastics coach Debbie Yohman has a sign in her office that reads, ‘It’s not the win, it’s… Pitt gymnastics coach Debbie Yohman has a sign in her office that reads, ‘It’s not the win, it’s the score.’ For gymnastic rankings, this is often the case because the system isn’t based on wins or losses. Still, taking down a ranked opponent always feels good. It felt even better on senior night, as Pitt defeated No. 26 Denver Saturday at the Fitzgerald Field House, 194.725-193.700. ‘My seniors did a great job, and they were so excited because the rest of the team did such a great job,’ said Yohman. The Panthers didn’t start out with the highest scores in the first two rotations, but they still maintained a slight lead over the Pioneers. On the vault, junior co-captain Dani Bryan led Pitt with a 9.850, which landed her second place. Freshman Alicia Talucci followed with a 9.700, coming in fourth. On the bars, seniors Alix Croop and Victoria McGuigan-Carl led the Panthers with fourth and fifth place finishes. ‘Our whole bar squad hit for the third week in a row, even though we had problems in practice,’ said Yohman. Pitt continued to set the pace on the beam as senior Anya Chayka posted a 9.875, tying for first. The Panthers earned a one point advantage over the Pioneers, who couldn’t manage to stay on the beam. The Panthers shined in the final rotation on the floor, with Croop leading the way. She tied a career-high 9.900, giving her first place and leading to a team season high of 49.025. ‘Her floor routine was just beautiful,’ said Yohman. ‘And she smiled the whole way through.’ Croop wasn’t excited that Saturday was her final meet inside Fitzgerald Field House, but she said she didn’t let the emotions change the way she performed. ‘It felt so amazing to finish with that routine,’ she said. ‘It was such a great feeling to do so well.’ Dani Bryan and Molly Moyer also posted high marks to tie for second place, while junior Krista Rubini finished up on the floor with a career high 9.775. ‘We didn’t have any superstars tonight. The whole team contributed to this win,’ said Yohman. The Panthers will be on the road for two weeks, next traveling to Utah State Saturday, March 6.