Pitt and the President: Oct. 15

By Dana Edmunds

The third and final presidential debate aired last night, giving voters one more chance to… The third and final presidential debate aired last night, giving voters one more chance to hear Sen. Barack Obama’s and Sen. John McCain’s platforms. After viewing the debate, The Pitt News Focus Group discussed how each candidate’s performance could affect the polls on Election Day Nov. 4.

What do students think?

‘I think both candidates did well by being straightforward with their answers … It almost made me more confused about whom I would vote for on Nov. 4.” – Katie O’Toole

‘I really liked how Obama discussed Roe v. Wade. He really appealed to women in discussing how it is a moral issue, saying that no one is actually ever pro-abortion, and that it is an unfortunate situation. He touched on all points of the issue and really hit the nail on the head.’ — Lauren O’Leary

‘I agree with McCain’s statements about education, especially No Child Left Behind … He said that we can’t keep throwing money at these programs, but we need to reform them so that they are not measuring [children] by the standardized test.’ — Charlotte Bonilla