Ms. Phyllis becoming a Lothrop legend

By Dana Edmunds

Lothrop Hall houses 676 students. That’s 676 names and 676 faces. Although that doesn’t seem… Lothrop Hall houses 676 students. That’s 676 names and 676 faces. Although that doesn’t seem like much compared to the other dormitories on campus, Lothrop does have something to brag about. That is Phyllis Harris, a security guard who has a knack for learning students’ names and faces. ‘Everyone knows my name, so I think it would just be polite for me to know everyone’s name, too,’ said Harris. And everyone does know her name. Lothrop Hall resident Jenny Riecke said that Harris is making a name for herself all over campus. ‘Ms. Phyllis knows all of our names and stops to talk to us,’ said Riecke. ‘Everyone likes her. I don’t think you could find anyone who doesn’t love her.’ Riecke, a freshman, said that having Harris know her name made her feel more comfortable moving into the new dorm as she adjusted to college life. Harris said she also cares about remembering students’ names because the students are more than just people she works with. ‘It’s everyone important in my life. And it keeps my mind young, too,’ she said. For most students in the on-campus hustle-bustle of college life, it’s easy to hand the dormitory security guards a Pitt ID and sprint to the elevators before they close. But Harris doesn’t let that happen. ‘It would be crazy to sit here like a robot, to sit here every day and not say anything,’ said Harris. ‘And you know, I like to run my chops.’ Siatta Dennis, a Lothrop Hall resident, said she can’t wait to walk into her dormitory. ‘Every time I walk past, [Harris] is always smiling, she’s always happy,’ said Dennis. ‘That’s what I love about her. She’s never angry, never mad. Her smile brightens up my day.’ But Riecke and Dennis aren’t the only Pitt students who have enjoyed their swipe-in experience with Harris. More than 500 people joined a Facebook group praising her. Students from every floor of Lothrop Hall have joined ‘The Phyllis Harris Fan Club,’ a group dedicated to ‘the best security guard in the history of mankind,’ says their Facebook page. The fan club does have some requirements for membership. The group’s page says, ‘You can only join this group if you hear the phrases ‘can’t complain’ or ‘so far, so good’ at least 50 times a day,’ referring to phrases Harris uses. On the group’s message board, one student asks when Ms. Phyllis’ birthday is. ‘OCTOBER 15th!’ responded Riecke, ‘and she will be working!’