Letter to the Editor 1, 10/9/08
October 8, 2008
Dear Editor, In response to yesterday’s article ‘Emotions run high at SGB meeting,’ I would… Dear Editor, In response to yesterday’s article ‘Emotions run high at SGB meeting,’ I would like to voice my support of Student Government Board members taking a stand against SGB’s long-running ties to the United States Student Association. The use of SGB’s members, influence, resources and time to facilitate USSA’s agenda is unfair to the students who pay the activities fee and elect these individuals. In addition, the $4,000 of the Student Activities Fee allocated to pay dues to USSA annually could be more efficiently spent helping Pitt student organizations that desperately need it. USSA provides little tangible assistance to our university beyond helping the Student Vote Coalition, a service for for which organizations like Rock The Vote or Head Count could better provide. While part of the mission of SGB is to represent all Pitt students at a local, state and national level, it is key that we remember that it is supposed to represent the entire student body, not just the special interests of some, as USSA does, whether those interests are commendable or valid. I support the core value of USSA ‘mdash; the right of every American to have a college education. But SGB members are elected and paid to serve Pitt students, not the interests of USSA. If board members choose to be leaders in USSA, or in any other external organization, that is their own prerogative, but it should not be SGB that facilitates, supports or funds these efforts. There is just too much that these resources could improve. Pitt students, it’s time to stop electing and supporting individuals more concerned with serving the interests of USSA, or anyone else, than us. In addition, I call on University officials and the members of SGB to re-evaluate their financial and functional support of USSA, as our student body could better use these funds and resources. JJ Abbott College of Business Administration ’09