Thornburgh nominated to Board of Trustees

By Mary Hancock

The nominating committee of the Pitt Board of Trustees voted in favor of nominating three new… The nominating committee of the Pitt Board of Trustees voted in favor of nominating three new members, including former U.S. attorney general Dick Thornburgh, to become non-voting members of the board yesterday morning. The nominees ‘mdash; J. Roger Glunt, Steven C. Beering and Thornburgh, who also served as Pennsylvania governor from 1979-1987 ‘mdash; now await approval from the full board later this month. During the meeting, which was held over a conference call, each nominee’s name was presented and noted for key contributions, titles and past offices. Beering received his bachelor of science and medical degrees from Pitt in 1954 and 1958, respectively. He has held many national offices and is currently the national science policy adviser to President Bush. He formally served as a trustee between 2000 and 2008. During this time, he was part of the executive committee, the institutional advancement committee and the ad hoc risk and compliance committee. Glunt obtained his bachelor of business administration degree from Pitt in 1960. He is the president of Glunt Development Company, Inc., and Jayar Construction Company, Inc. He served as an alumni trustee for the board at Pitt from 1997 to 2005. Glunt has been honored and awarded numerous times. He held the trustee medallion in 2005, was named a distinguished alumni fellow in 2006 and was called the Pitt Alumni Association Volunteer of the Year for 2000. Thornburgh, who graduated from Pitt’s School of Law in 1957, served as a trustee for the board between 2000 and 2008. He donated many of his private documents, videotapes and audio recordings to create the Dick Thornburgh Archive Collection in Pitt’s Hillman Library. Currently, his collection resides in the library’s Dick Thornburgh Room. The Board of Trustees manages authority over and assumes responsibility for all of the University’s affairs. They meet at least three times each year, with additional meetings depending on annual and special meetings obligations. The board will meet Oct. 31 to vote on the three nominations. According to the University of Pittsburgh Staff Handbook, the Board of Trustees consists of voting members and non-voting members, called emeritus trustees. The voting members include term trustees, alumni trustees and commonwealth trustees.