Mid-college-life crisis, a guide to self-diagnosis

By Pitt News Staff

As I mindlessly speed back to Pittsburgh on that stretch of asphalt that reaches across Penn’s… As I mindlessly speed back to Pittsburgh on that stretch of asphalt that reaches across Penn’s Woods, I cannot help but be troubled by the fact that I am more than halfway done with my college career. A week-long stint is enough to conjure up memories of the past and make me anxious about where the turnpike of my life is leading me.

We all have felt or will feel the looming dread of which I speak.

Back when I was a junior in high school, I was enthusiastic and optimistic about moving on to this beacon of higher education. But as a junior in college I wonder if perhaps there might be roadwork ahead, or if a lane is closing, or perhaps there is an overturned tractor-trailer.

Or maybe there is this weird dirty guy sticking his thumb out at me, beckoning me to pull over and give him a ride.

I call what I am going through a mid-college-life crisis. It’s kind of like a regular mid-life crisis, but without the Ferrari and the 20-year-old secretary.
