Man on the street
February 27, 2008
Myron Cope died yesterday, at the age of 79. How do you best remember him?
“He talked like a… Myron Cope died yesterday, at the age of 79. How do you best remember him?
“He talked like a madman. He was crazy, and I loved him for it!” Christen DiClaudio iFreshman English Writing
“I’ll always remember him for the Terrible Towels and turning on the games and seeing fields of yellow.” Jana Stec Junior Communications and Political Science
“Listening to him stutter on the radio was hilarious.” Andrew Mrotek Senior Russian and Political Science
“A real Picksburgh legend like Dah-nie Iris!” Lonnie Updike Junior Psychology
“Listening to him growing up, announcing Steelers games in the ’90s. He was a Steelers icon.” Zach Bombatch Freshman Business