Ryan Adams to rock the Carnegie Music Hall


Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

Carnegie Music Hall

Oct. 29

8 p.m.

412-323-1919… Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

Carnegie Music Hall

Oct. 29

8 p.m.


Ryan Adams, perhaps one of the most prolific artists in recent history, will take the stage in Oakland tonight, accompanied by his band The Cardinals

Adams released Easy Tiger, a solo effort, in June and Follow the Lights, an EP with The Cardinals, last week. The EP includes seven songs, including a mellower, softer version of “This Is It,” originally the first track off his 2003 solo release Rock N Roll and an updated version of “If I am a Stranger” from 2005’s Cold Roses, a two-disc set with The Cardinals.

Adams blends rock and country to form a unique sound that varies slightly from album to album, which is part of what builds the anticipation for each release – it’s tough to peg what Ryan Adams (with or without the Cardinals) will sound like this time around.

Although Adams is notorious for occasionally pitching a fit onstage, it’s still worth the risk (and the 30 bucks) to see him play live.

Adams plays tonight at 8 at the Carnegie Music Hall, right across the street from the Cathedral of Learning.