EDITORIAL – Airport no place for bomb “artwork”

By Pitt News Staff

Here’s a little-known fact: fake bombs and airports generally don’t mix. If only someone… Here’s a little-known fact: fake bombs and airports generally don’t mix. If only someone could have warned MIT student Star Simpson about that before it was too late.

Nineteen-year-old Simpson walked into Boston’s Logan International Airport Friday wearing what looked like a bomb on her chest. Simpson was wearing a white computer circuit board with wiring and nine flashing lights on her sweatshirt. But don’t worry. There’s no need to panic. It was just “artwork.”

What could Simpson have possibly been thinking? According to the Associated Press, she claimed the device was a work of art she made to impress MIT career day visitors. Now that’s a good idea. What better way to impress your future employers than to dress up as a possible terrorist? Who knows? Maybe you could terrorize them into hiring you.

Don’t get us wrong, we are all for wearing self-made artwork. Enjoy painting? Wear your latest portrait around your neck. Like to make jewelry? “Bling” yourself in handmade rings, necklaces and bracelets. But a line must be drawn when it comes to wearing flashing circuit boards