National swaps suits for guitars


The National The Rex Theater Tuesday, June 19, 7:45 p.m. Tickets $12 (412) 381-6811… The National The Rex Theater Tuesday, June 19, 7:45 p.m. Tickets $12 (412) 381-6811

Just when you thought you’d had enough of brooding, atmospheric art-rock, along comes The National. The Brooklyn-based band will perform at the Rex Theater on the South Side Tuesday night in support of their new album, Boxer.

Originally from the musical hotbed of Cincinnati, The National is one of those rare bands who make it almost impossible for anyone to say “The old stuff was better.” Each album has improved on its predecessor, making Boxer one of the most highly acclaimed albums of 2007.

First rising to prominence with 2005’s Alligator, The National is made up of two sets of brothers plus vocalist Matt Berninger. All five members had well-paying jobs in the New York area dot-com boom of the late ’90s, before giving it all up to pursue a musical career.

On Boxer, Berninger’s rich baritone is as captivating as ever, simultaneously soothing and discomforting. He could pass for a less distraught version of Ian Curtis. His lyrics walk the line between abstract, humorous and deeply emotional. The real star, though, is drummer Bryan Devendorf. His creative, fluttering rhythms tighten the mostly gloomy songs featuring downcast piano and orchestral flourishes.

Boxer features a cast of notable guest performers, including Sufjan Stevens and Regina Spektor, but it is a National album through and through and the band’s most impressive achievement to date.