Casino Night provides outlet for finals stress


It’s the week before finals, and students need a break from reviewing all the material… It’s the week before finals, and students need a break from reviewing all the material covered since the midterm or, in harsher circumstances, the beginning of the semester.

In hopes of taking off some of the academic pressure, the Cross Cultural and Civic Leadership along with the Black Action Society organized Monte Carlo Night, which took place in the William Pitt Union at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Though many students did not know how to gamble, those who attended responded positively to the free food, chance to win prizes and airbrushed T-shirts.

Danielle Colbert-Lewis, program coordinator and adviser of Cross Cultural and Civic Leadership, wanted to provide a relaxing atmosphere where students could socialize and de-stress.

“It’s a fun event. College is very challenging during finals week, hopefully this is a good break for students” she said.

However, the stakes were high for junior Jason Tomko, who was sitting intently at the blackjack table, deliberating whether or not he wanted to draw another card. Though Tomko learned strategies from the Windows version of the game, after spending a lot of time finishing up projects, he was in no mood to try counting cards.

As students mingled over pizza, wings and roulette, it was clear that Colbert-Lewis achieved her goal of students “getting to know each other and making connections.”

The night of fun was not limited to students, as Andrew Venezie from the Talent Network enjoyed teaching people how to play and overseeing all of the games.

“We have so much fun bringing the games,” he said.

The prizes also added some fun, as every $5,000 won meant getting a ticket for a raffle.

The night was apparently so great as to change Jacob Lahey’s opinion on gambling. The junior made a playful comment, saying “I used to be against gambling – until I got the free pizza.”