Greek issues top meeting


The Student Government Board met yesterday to hear greek students discuss issues affecting… The Student Government Board met yesterday to hear greek students discuss issues affecting their fraternities and sororities and to approve the budgets of several student organizations.

After budgets were approved, the floor was opened to anyone who wished to discuss issues affecting greek students. This was the first time a town hall-style meeting was held by SGB for the greek community.

The meeting began with a moment of silence for the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings.

One of the first announcements Henien made, unrelated to greek life, was that the Cathedral Cafe will be accepting meal blocks starting today. This was met with applause and commotion from the attendees. Blocks will be accepted from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. to avoid over-crowding.

Henien also announced a plan for possibly organizing a Homecoming parade.

“What we need to do is to find a way to increase school spirit on campus,” Henien said.

The parade is still in the planning stages and has not yet been approved. The parade would include all campus organizations. Henien discussed the idea at the meeting to get the opinion of the greek community on the matter. He suggested that each fraternity pair up with a sorority to build a float.

Many greek students questioned the viability of the idea. They expressed concern over how the parade would be funded and whether many students would attend.

Several greek students expressed the need for fraternities and sororities to better connect with the rest of the student body. One sorority member expressed disappointment in the number of non-greek attendees at Greek Sing.

Several members of sororities complained about the states of their housing, including mold in bathrooms. They also expressed frustration about the housing department ignoring their requests and inequality in housing situations between fraternities and sororities.

“We have no idea what we’re responsible for,” one sorority member said.