April 4, 2007
Protesting Coulter an act, not abuse of free speech
Editor’s Note: The Pitt News… Protesting Coulter an act, not abuse of free speech
Editor’s Note: The Pitt News received several letters concerning Joseph Motzko’s column “Attacking Coulter is hypocritical.” To continue this discussion, go to www.pittnews.com.
Dear Editor
In Joseph Motzko’s April 4 column, he claims that liberals’ reactions to Ann Coulter are proof of some “War on the Individual.” He could not be more wrong. Ann Coulter has every right in the world to tell her lies and spread her hate.
Most liberals, for example, are not godless at all and have very strong faith. And regardless of anyone’s sexuality, calling someone a “faggot” is most certainly hateful. However, people who don’t like what she says have just as much right to say so. Loudly. Publicly. We have a right to say so, and we have a right to try and convince others of that, too.
And if we don’t want our university to be affiliated with the kind of insults that Ann Coulter is known for, then we have every right to let people know about it. We aren’t stripping anything away from freedom of speech – we’re using it! Anything else is just misrepresentation, and I’m tired of it.