Man hit by bus on Fifth Avenue


An individual attempting to cross Fifth Avenue in front of the William Pitt Union was hit by… An individual attempting to cross Fifth Avenue in front of the William Pitt Union was hit by a 71D Port Authority bus yesterday evening.

According to a Pitt police officer who asked to remain unidentified, the bus was traveling eastbound in the bus lane when a 23-year-old white male stepped in the path of the bus.

The bus then struck the man and swerved out of the bus lane to avoid running him over.

The man had “a lot of facial injuries” but was conscious, the Pitt police officer said.

The man was transported by ambulance to Presbyterian hospital.

The front windshield of the bus was smashed in and there was a small amount of blood in the bus lane.

The police officer did not identify the man and he did not know if the man is a student.

The Pitt News contacted Robert Hill, vice chancellor of public affairs, about an hour after the accident occurred, and he had not yet heard of the accident and said that if a Pitt student had been involved in the accident, he would have been notified.

Editor’s Note: Check and tomorrow’s Pitt News for breaking news and additional information.